A brother and sister discover a magical world in The Day I Fell into a Fairy Tale, a middle-grade fantasy novel by Ben Miller.
Browsing: Middle Grade
A middle-schooler goes to extraordinary lengths to achieve perfection in This Again, a novel by Adam Borba.
Tree. Table. Book., a middle-grade novel by Lois Lowry, is the story of an unlikely friendship that defies age.
A girl is desperate to show the world her star quality in Shiny Misfits, a new middle-grade graphic novel by Maysoon Zayid and Shadia Amin.
A detective sets out to find a missing bird in Miss Cat: The Case of the Curious Canary, an early chapter/graphic novel hybrid by Joëlle Jolivet and Jean-Luc Fromental.
Inspired by the Forest School movement, A Field Guide to Spring aims to teach kids how to play and learn in nature.
Two former friends rethink their relationship while training for a half-marathon in Keeping Pace, a novel by Laurie Morrison.
A girl stands up for her affordable housing community in Sunny Parker is Here to Stay, a middle-grade novel by Margaret Finnegan.
A girl tries to untangle her love of baseball from her complicated relationship with her professional pitcher father Painting the Game, by Patricia MacLachlan
A girl sets out to help a pair of endangered birds about to lay eggs in The Secret Language of Birds, by Lynne Kelly.