BROBARIANS, by Lindsay Ward, Two Lions, March 28, 2017, Hardcover, $17.99 (ages 3-7)
In the beginning,
a great warrior laid claim to the land.
Feared by all, his reign was steadfast.
But soon another arrived,
and his influence spread quickly.
This fierce rival challenged the great warrior.
Two seekers of high adventure,
their strength and courage became that of legend.
This is the tale of the mighty Brobarians…
Otto was once in charge, but then Iggy came to town and ruined everything. Iggy took over the land, and now Otto has a plan to win it back. The battle is long and hard, but with the help of Mamabarbian, they might find peace.
Lindsay Ward’s Brobarians is exactly what you’d expect from the title. Sibling rivalry plays out between two boisterous boys with big imaginations. Lindsay’s text is a perfect compliment to her dynamic illustrations.
The publisher’s suggested age for Brobarians is 3-7. I think that’s skewed a little high. I’d place this more in the 2-5 range. While cute and relatable, I just don’t think a 6- or 7-year-old will enjoy it as much.
I have a number of friends who have two boys just a year or two apart, and this book would be perfect for that exact situation.
Visit Lindsay Ward’s website for Brobarians downloadable activities.
Lindsay Ward would never have written this book if she hadn’t stayed up late one night watching Conan the Barbarian. She finds the idea of baby barbarians to be very funny . . . and hopes you do too. Lindsay’s recent books include Rosco vs. the Baby and The Importance of Being 3. Most days you can find her writing and sketching at home in Ohio with her family. Learn more about her a at or on Twitter: @lindsaymward.